Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Weekend Roundup

This past weekend was full of fun and festive events. After the five and a half hour drive home through lovely weather, I finally made it home Friday and went to see my love. Saturday after getting my hair done, I got to attend Brooke's basketball game. It is so cute to watch them play! Then I wrapped some gifts and got ready for the annual Helsel Christmas party. It was so good to see everyone again....

Ryan and Me

Alison and Troy

Ryan and Me

Dad, Sarah, and Mom

Christina and Brendan

Mike and Pam

Sarah and Brooke

Sarah and Me

The Kids and Me

My dad being tackled by the kids


Ryan's abstract picture taking

Troy's abstract picture taking

Santa came to visit!

The kids anxiously await their gift...

Ryan got to sit on Santa's lap!

....so did I

Brooke's Basketball Game

Brooke after a layup

Referee Jess

Brooke dribbling toward the basket

Sunday after Church, we went fishing in the freezing cold. I got to use my Christmas present a little early (my chest waders... boy don't they make me look hot!?!?). Adam and I did not fair quite as well as Ryan. He pulled out a big brownie around 17 inches. It was a really nice fish and made the trip well worth while.

Me and Ryan Fishing

Ryan And Adam Fishing

Adam's Catch

Ryan Fishing

Ryan's Catch!!!

The Big Brownie

Sunday night, we all went to the Christmas program at my church. Brooke had a solo and did an excellent job. My mom was a co-director of the program and she did an magnificent job also. It was very cute and got the message across. I miss being a kid and taking part in the programs.

Brooke before the play

Alison and Troy

Sherrie Playing the Piano

Brooke on the Stage

She's a natural

Lydia singing

Linda and Brandon

Ryan and Me
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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lunch with Sheila

Since Sheila was back in Buffalo for break, she called Joe and me up to go to lunch. We decided to go to Don Pablo's. It was a great time with good food! Sheila asked if I could then run her home, but since my car was packed up to go home, we had to squeeze Joe in the back (see picture)... haha, it was hilarious.

Sheila and Me

Joe and Sheila

Joe and Me

Joe crammed in my car Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 11, 2005

2005 Mile Football Banquet

This weekend I ventured downtown to Cole's on Elmwood Ave. for the football league banquet. It was a good time, although only three people from our team showed up... grrr to the rest of you. We took home the second place trophy for the top division. Dorene ironically got a sportsmanship award, and Tommy and I got all-star honors. I cannot wait until the spring season starts up!

Dorene won the sportsmanship award!?!?!

Up close view of the award... love ya girl!

Dorene and Me

Sue and Soj.. so cute!

Tim and Dorene... also very cute!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving Weekend 2005

It was so nice to go home for Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. God has truly blessed me, and I am very thankful. I got to spend time with my family, friends, and loved ones. That is so important. I love all of you guys and miss you.

Me and Ryan

I arrived in Johnstown Monday night. I got to spend time with my man who I love so much and got some shopping and work done. I went home Wednesday when Ryan went to school and took care of some errands that day and helped mom prepare things for Thanksgiving. Thursday, we had lunch at my house, then dinner out at Sis and Rubert's house (Ryan's Aunt and Uncle's).

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Snow

Mom Preparing Dinner

Me and Ryan

Mom and Dad

Ryan and Brandon

Brandon, Ryan, and Brooke

Brooke, Me, and Ryan

Me and Brooke

Ryan and Me

Alison, Brooke, and Troy

After dinner nap 1

After dinner nap 2

After dinner nap 3

After dinner nap 4

Dinner time out at Sis and Ruberts:
I finally got to see the baby... Camryn Ann. She is so adorable. It was so nice to spend time with my second family. I love and miss them so much also.

Me holding Camryn


Me and Ryan

Shannon and Camryn

Sis and the baby

Wrestling around.. Ickes family tradition

Chris, Rubert, and Camryn

Dinner time


Hannah and Camryn

Hannah, Hayden, and Paula

Rubert and Allen

Friday morning, I got up at 4:30 to make breakfast for Ryan and Adam, then we went shopping for a while. It was a fun time. I didn't really buy too much, but we did get a good deal on dress shirts for Ryan.

Game Night:

Friday night I had a game night at my house. Here is a comment made after the night to let you know how it went: "My mouth hurts from laughing so much!" -Cyndi! It was so fun and nice to catch up with some of my friends and have them all together. The attendees were: Cyndi, Erin, Jenna, Christi, Ryan, Brandon, Adam, Alison, Troy, Brooke, Mom, and Dad (well, he was there). We played Catchphrase, Balderdash, then Moods until 12:30... hehe. Six hours of playing games! It was very fun though to all hang out.

Game Night!

Something was obviously funny

Brandon, Alison, and Mom

Playing Catch Phrase

More Catch Phrase and Laughter

Brooke.. she is so smart!

Ryan is in deep thought.. hehe


Brooke and Brandon

Christi Shover

Dad trying to escape all of the noise and laughter

Catch Phrase

Erin and Me

Me at game night

Jenna and Me

Jenna, Christi, Me, and Cyndi

After watching Hallmark movies all afternoon with my mom (hehe!), Saturday night I went up to Uncle John's to have leftovers with the Ickes'. All I can say is that I am turkeyed out! It was a fun evening though playing with the kids and chatting it up with Rubert.

The kids

Brian, Paula, Hayden, and Hannah


Sis hiding from the camera

Me and Rubert
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Well, that pretty much sums up my holiday weekend. Now, it is back to work for a BUSY two weeks before Christmas (the most wonderful time of the year!).