Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Trip Home

I had a nice trip home this past weekend. I got to see a lot of my family, friends, and loved ones. When I got home, I stopped up to see my sister coaching the Jr. High softball team for a little bit. Then I headed up to UPJ. I got to see a lot of people, and I had a good time up there. The next morning, Ryan and I went fishing (see previous blog). Then I helped Alison move into her new house. That evening, I stopped out to see Erin. I haven't seen her in a while, so that was nice. Sunday morning, I went to church. It was nice to see everyone again. Then it was time to head back to Buffalo.

Coach Alison

Cyndi and Me

Ryan Allen

Brandon Keith

ROB Posted by Hello

Erin Marie

My Sweetheart George


Brooke, Dad, and Mom Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


So, I'm back to blogging after an extended absence. Below are pictures from a recent fishing trip I took with Ryan. He is a very talented fly fisherman. We were fishing in Bob's Creek, Pavia, Pa, near Blue Knob. They do not stock fish were we were, so the catches were all natives. Not too bad of a size for native trout. I had a wonderful time, and I can't wait to go again. Supposedly, he is going to teach me how to fly fish this summer. I hope I "catch" on!

Walking to Bob's Creek Pavia, Pa Posted by Hello

Bob's Creek Pavia, Pa Posted by Hello

Expert fly fisherman ;-) Posted by Hello

Beautiful Trout Posted by Hello

The one that got away Posted by Hello