Tuesday, October 18, 2005

After 6 looong weeks away...

I finally got home after an extended absence. I had a wonderful weekend, and got to surprise Ryan. I got some family time at the Ickes' and with my family, and listened to tons of Christmas music with my babe! Yes, I know it is only October, I just love Christmas so much! Saturday was homecoming at Juniata, and I got to see some of my friends from there. Saturday night, we had game night at the Helsel household... that was a barrel of monkeys. It was nice to hang out with Cyndi again. Then Sunday, Ryan came to church with me and ate dinner at my house, then I went to his football game before packing up and heading back to B-lo. Here are some pics for you to enjoy....

Ryan and Me (We didn't plan to match... I swear! But, aren't we so cute?!?)


Shannon and Chris

Ryan and Me again

Brandon during game night

Ryan and I during game night (he is making such a face!)

Mom and Cyndi during game night

Ryan Teaching (how cute)

Ryan doing a project with the kids

The lovely gook the kids made (I gave Brooke an extra one and she loved it)

Me and Rob playing Halo

Hileman Hollow

Hileman Hollow

Juniata Homecoming Feast

Sarah, Erica, Kim, and Cassie

Jules and Me

Jules, Me, Jess, and Marcie

Lizzie and Jules

Sarah and her man

Stainless Football (what a bunch of studs!)

Brandon going up for the ball

Ryan running for a pass

On the line of scrimmage

Huddle up

Brandon's Interception
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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Trip to Toronto

A few weeks ago, my friend Joe and I went to Toronto for the day. It was a fun time. We walked around and saw some sights. We went up in the CN tower, which is the tallest building in the world. We could see inside the Sky Dome, where the Blue Jays were playing the NY Yankees. We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe on Younge St. And, we saw some interesting things and people. It was a very nice, clean, safe place. I wouldn't mind visiting again someday.

Heading To Toronto

Getting Closer


Joe Driving

Me on the way to Toronto

Tim Hortons Truck

Tim Horton's Truck Up Close

Toronto and CN Tower

Artistic Shot of CN Tower

Sky Dome (Where the Toronto Blue Jays Play)

Sky Dome


The CN Tower (we went up in this thing!)

The Air Canada Center (where the Toronto Maple Leaves play)

Speaking of Hockey... Toronto hosts the Hockey Hall of Fame

The Hockey Hall of Fame


Tall Buildings

Outside of the Sky Dome... wait who is that random pedestrian?!? Could that be Joe Ferguson?

The CN Tower (tallest building in the world!)

Toronto from the CN Tower

The Sky Dome from the CN Tower

A Look inside the CN Tower... the Blue Jays were playing the NY Yankees!

Lake Ontario from teh CN Tower

Toronto and Lake Ontario


Standing on top of Toronto (my feet on the glass floor)

Joe on the glass floor

Toronto and the Lake

Another picture from the CN Tower



Yet another shot of the City from the CN Tower

Air Canada Center from the CN Tower

Street Artists

The Hard Rock Cafe on Younge St.

Inside the Hardrock

Eddie Van Halen's Guitar at the Hard Rock Cafe

Me on Younge Street

Younge Street at Night

Younge Street at Night
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