Monday, December 18, 2006

Football Banquet/Buckin' Buffalo

Friday night was the night of our annual football banquet. It was nice and had some great food. After the banquet, I went downtown with Dorene to the Buckin' Buffalo (which I can't quit calling the Buffin Buckalo for some reason.... haha). Eric Church was performing there and it was only $5 to get in. Apparently they have the only "buckin' buffalo" (like a mechanical bull) known to man.. haha. No, I did not ride it.

Dorene, Tom and Me at the banquet

Dorene and Me..haha

Eric Church

Eric Church

Dorene and Me

The Buckin' Buffalo

A "Cowboy' on teh Buffalo... hehe

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fishing and Football

This past weekend I made a quick trip home to see my love. We had a nice weekend. He got an early Christmas gift (his rod), so we had to try it out. Also, I got to watch him play some football. I can't wait until Christmas to spend more time with him and my family.

Bridge over Yellow Creek

My babe fishing

His first catch with his new rod

His new rod and his first catch

A nice brownie he caught

Ryan playing football

Brandon and Ryan

Me and Allen

The team

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Buck Season

Monday, I went hunting with Ryan. It was such a perfect day... started with a beautiful sunrise and not long after, Ryan had a buck! Ryan shot a nice 10 point from about 200 yards away at 7:30 in the morning. We had to drag it at least 1.5 miles... whew. I am very sore and tired. We have great memories from that day... it was just so perfect!

Ryan and his buck

The 10 point

Me while Ryan was gutting the deer

Me and the deer

Ryan tagging the deer

Ryan dragging the deer from the car

Ryan and the buck

Me and the buck

The dead deer


Me and Ryan

Skinning the deer

Ryan and the deer

The skinned deer

Thanksgiving Weekend 2006

Over Thanksgiving, Ryan and I did some fishing... here are some pics:

Ryan's catch

Rainbow (God's promise to never flood the entire earth again)

Bob's Creek

Ryan and a nice brownie

The brownie

Ryan fishing


Thanksgiving day, we had lunch at my house then went up to Uncle John's for dinner. It was a nice day full of good food!


Ryan and Cami

Brandon, Tyler, and Hayden

The girls and me

Camryn and Shannon

Ryan and Me

Us and Cami

Brandon and Cami

Linda and Cami

The kids


Friday night, we had game night at my house. It was a fun time as usual. It was so nice to see everyone!

Ali and Troy boy

Ryan and me

Cyndi and Erin

Dad listening to his new iPod.. hehe

Ryan really gets into Guestures (i.e. charades), but boy is he hot ;-)



Ryan acting out addict


Ryan ...haha


Saturday, I went with the boys to Carolltown for the Turkey Bowl. Things didn't go quite as expected, but they played well and had fun!

Ryan being quarterback


Adam and Brandon