Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring Break Weekend

I went home for the end of spring break to visit! I got a lot of errands done... including renewing my driver's license, getting an oil change and new brakes and rotors on my car, taking pictures for Jordan, getting a hair cut and much more. We hung out at Alison's the first night for a while. I got to give Brooke her birthday present (a little early). She wanted an outfit for her build-a-bear (actually a build-a-flamingo), Zoey. I got a Steelers uniform for it... so cute. Friday I helped the boys float stock trout. That was a fun experience. We really didn't do much Friday night except the usual trip to Walmart... hehe. Saturday all of my family was away and Ryan had to coach wrestling up in Philipsburg, so I stayed home and took care of some errands then hung out at Ryan's working on some stuff on the computer and internet and also watched Camryn. Sunday, we got up and went to my church then met Ryan's family for lunch. Then we hung out at my house for a while then went to see Hannah and Hayden. Then we went to have dinner at Ryan's. It was a wonderful weekend!

Ryan And Camryn

Me and Camryn

Linda and Camryn


Ryan and Camryn

Me and Camryn

Linda and Camryn

Ryan and Camryn in the mirror

Me and Camryn

Ryan, Camryn, and Allen


Me and Camryn

Allen and Camryn

Bullscreek Falls

Area near Bullscreek Falls

Sunset from the Chemistry Building

White Geese near the pond

Zoey with her new Pittsburgh Steelers Uniform

Jordan in his garage


Jordan up at Blue Knob


Jordan at Bullscreek Falls