Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter (Resurrection Sunday) Weekend

Another holiday... another trip home. I was very anxious to get home, because I had not been there in a month. It was a nice time, but a little too eventful...hehe. Friday, we went to Brooke's in the morning to color Easter eggs... hehe. I am such a kid at heart. Then, we went fishing for most of the day in the Class A part of Bob's Creek in Pavia, Pa. Ryan caught some really nice fish. It was a nice time. Friday night, we all stayed up at Uncle John's, because Saturday was the first day of trout season. Some of the guys stayed up all night and played poker. I at least got two hours of sleep. A little after 5, we went down to the barn for an amazing breakfast. I dropped Ryan and them off then went back to the barn for a nap and then a second breakfast! I then went up to the Claar dam to watch the kids fish for a while, and after that went back to the barn for lunch...haha! Ryan wasn't feeling good, so we napped all afternoon then went to Friday's for dinner. After that they boys went home and us girls went to see a movie.

Sunday, Ryan went to church with me and we at an awesome dinner at my house. It was also my mommy's birthday! We then went fishing again Sunday evening. Then my car broke down...ugh. So we spent Monday trying to get it fixed and stuff. I drove my parents car back to Buffalo today, and I am now back in the lab. Overall though, neglecting some low points, the weekend was wonderful!

Coloring Easter Eggs

Ryan was soooo excited!

One of Ryan's many catches

My artistic shot of Ryan fishing

A nice Brooke trout he caught

A brown trout he caught

A nice brown trout and Ryan

The nice brown trout

Brooke Trout

Another Brooke trout with beautiful coloring

Another artistic shot

Camryn... so cute

An artistic shot of camryn..hehe

I got her to stick her tounge out...hehe

The night before the first day of trout season... poker time


Tyler and Hayden

Chris and Brandon

Rubert and Clark cooking breakfast...mmm

Rubert, me, and Clark

Christina's big catch

Brendan and Nathaniel

Me and Brendan

Me and Christina


Me and Uncle Ross

Brendan Casting... soo cute

Rossie and Nate

Girls night out (plus Ryan and Brandon)

Me and Ryan.. poor thing didn't feel good, and after this picture, I knocked his drink all over us...

Christi eating icecream with a knife

The family at church Resurrection Sunday

Allen and Camryn

Shannon and Camryn with her bonnet on backwards
