Thursday, September 28, 2006


Sorry for not blogging in a while. It has been a busy month. I had to finish writing my synopsis and defend it to my Ph.D. committee. It is finally over though... I passed.. yeah! So, here are some pictures from the past month...

Synergy football and Snickers
Dorene got a new puppy (beagle/cocker mix). It is the cutest thing, and I have a gazillion pictures of it. Here are some for you to enjoy. Also one of the team... boo hoo... I miss playing so much. I can't wait until my leg is all better.

Snickers and Me


Dorene and Snickers

Dorene and Snickers

Tammy and Snickers



Puppy Sitting... Shelby
The other weekend, we had a puppy at our house to watch for a few days. It was nice having a pet, but a lot of work. She was adorable, but she didn't listen very well.



Synopsis Celebration
After my defense our group plus Kyle and Sheila went to Red Lobster to eat. It was nice, but I was sooo exhausted. The food was great and so was the company... thanks guys!

Joe.. hhaha... don't ask

Joe and Me

Sheila and Joe

Lee and Kazu

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Labor Day 2006

We had a picnic at my house to celebrate labor day. It was nice, although it stinks not being able to walk and play the games. Boy, this summer has sure flown by. I am getting excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas now though. I have such wonderful family and friends... and my love...

Dad and me

Brendan and me

Brendan and Ryan playing the bean bag game

Ryan thinks he could win olympic gold if the bean bag game was an event

Brooke and Tabitha

Tab, Hunter, and Chris

JR and Sarah

Picnic Time

Playing birdie

Playing Bocce

Ross and Sarah