Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas 2006 and New Year's 2007

I got to spend some time at home for Christmas and New Year's. It was a wonderful time, but it went too fast. Also, it didn't feel too much like Christmas time, because of the warm weather. However, the weather made for some great fishing.... so my babe got to give his new rod a workout. He caught some pretty nice fish.

Ryan and a brownie

Ryan and a really nice brownie

He was pulling nice ones out right and left

This one was probably the nicest

What a stud!

Christmas eve we spent out at Ryan's house. We ate good food and exchanged gifts. Ryan surprized me with diamond earrings... seeing as he wasn't supposed to buy me anything else. He is incredible. I think I had some good surprizes for him too.

Dinner time

The Ickes Men


Hannah and Kelsey

Camryn and her "chair" Hayden

Me and Cami

Ryan and Cami


Christmas morning we spent at Alison's and my parents'. Then we went to Todd and Laurie's for Christmas dinner. Then back to my house for some more food. It was a nice day.

Ryan and Me early Christmas morning at Alison's

Troy... oh i mean Santa

Ryan and me Christmas morning at my house

Ryan and Camryn

So adorable

Brandon and Cami

Ross and Jackie

Mom and the twins

The Christmas Tree

The day after Christmas, we had game night at my house. All I can say is that the girls dominated the boys in both 80's Trivial Pursuit and Guestures!

Ryan Playing Guestures

The Guys

Game Night

I got to watch Ryan and Brandon coach a few matches and a tournament when I was home. I also got to go lift weights and run at their practices, which was good because of how much food I ate when I was home... hehe. I also went with the team to see Rocky Balboa.

The boys coaching

Coaching at the tournament

New Year's Eve, we went out to Uncle John's and had more good food. The guys played poker almost all night. At least Ryan won some money.

Tyler and Hayden

Hayden and Meeka

The guys playing poker