Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Break

Sorry for not blogging in a long time. I have been horrible with taking pictures and updating this thing lately...... I got to go home for a few days at the end of spring break to visit. It had been six weeks since I was last home, so I was very anxiuos for the trip. It was a fun time, but it went by way to fast. I had a lot of appointments and errands to get in while I was home, and I also had to have surgery to remove the plate and screws from my leg. My sister Ginette was up from Florida, and I got to spend some time with her which was nice. I did have a wonderful time at home, especially with my love Ryan. He is so amazing. I can't wait for the day when I no longer have to leave him.

The Family

The boys and Cami

Me and Camryn

Camryn sticking her tounge out

Brandon and Cami

Me and Cami

Ryan and Cami