Monday, April 30, 2007

Weekend at Julies

Last weekend, Julie went home from Philidelphia, so I drove out to Central NY to see her! It has been a while since I have been able to hang out with her... so it was very nice. Also, Laura came up from Cornell to hang out with us too! It was a nice weekend!

Julie, Laura, and Me

Me looking Coy

Aww.. aren't they cute

It was so nice to see the girls again!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Weekend/Brooke's Birthday

I got to go home to celebrate Brooke's birthday and Resurrection Sunday. It was a nice but busy weekend. We got to color some eggs and hang out at my sister's house for a while. That was nice, because I done that in a while. I had to run to Altoona to pick something up, and since Ryan was napping I just left him there... hehe. Saturday was the Bob's Creek clean up. I didn't participate, because I had to help get ready for Brooke's party, but I went up early in the morning to have some great breakfast with the guys at the barn. Then it was time for Brooke's 12th birthday party. It was a nice time, but I cannot believe that she is 12... wow. Sunday we just went to Ryan's church then ate all day. Linda made lasaugna for lunch, then my mom made some ham and all of the fixings for dinner. Before I knew it, it was time again to leave my baby and head back to Buffalo :-( ....I am excited though, because in a few weeks I get to go to Potter County for the annual Ickes fishing trip. I had such a wonderful time last year with my babe, and I have been looking forward to going again.

I love him!

Ryan was so excited about coloring eggs!!!

We sure had fun coloring eggs... hehe

Brooke and Lydia

Brooke didn't quite center us in the camera

Awww... isn't Ryan's egg cute?!?

Ryan trying out the balance board

Allen and Clark

The guys having some breakfast

Ryan and I... waaaaaayyy too early in the morning

Brooke on her birthday!

The girls making chocolate candies

Brooke blowing out her 12 candles... boy do they grow up so fast!

Dad and Uncle Ross

Jalynn eating

Jalynn eating again!