Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Potter County: Ole Bull State Park 2008

The annual trip to Ole Bull in Potter County (God's Country) has already come and gone. It was a fun and eventful trip. I was quite clumsy and spilled a lot of things... hehe. It is always a very special time though.

One of my catches

The Ickes Clan


Me and Ryan

Ryan Fishing

Ryan Fishing


One of Ryan's Catches

Me with a native brookie I caught with a dry fly

Potter County

A nice trout that Chris caught

These woods looked like something out of Harry Potter...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bryan Adams Acoustic Concert at Water Street Music Hall in Rochester

Aimee traveled along with me to Rochester, although I discovered that it wasn't to watch Bryan Adams.... hehe. It was the best and most intimate concerts I have ever been at. It was just Bryan Adams and his guitar. His voice is amazing, and he doesn't miss a note. He is by far my favorite artist/songwriter of all time!

Bryan Adams!

Us at the Concert

The Man!


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Kelsey's Birthday Party and Brooke Playing Ball

I recently went home to visit. While I was there I got to go to Kelsey's birthday party and catch Brooke play ball. It was a nice visit, but busy.

Kelsey, Camryn, and Hannah

Kelsey, Camryn, and Hayden

Kelsey, Camryn, and Hayden

Cami with icing on her face

Licking icing

Adam and Cami


Clark and Allen

Brooke batting

Brooke catching

Brooke catching

Cyndi's Visit: Toronto, Lake Ontario, Niagara

Cyndi came for a visit to do some sight seeing. We got a lot accomplished and had a great time. She isn't in any of the pictures because she wouldn't be. I am just mentioning this so I don't look vain with just pictures of me!

Me at the Whirlpools

Lake Ontario at Olcott

Toronto across the Lake



The sign says it all!

Mmmmm.... chocolate.. it looks so real!

The City