Monday, June 16, 2008

Scary Weather Part 2

Today I was sitting in the lab and heard quite the sound. It turns out that we were having a hail storm. It lasted for at least 5 minutes. It was something to see.

It's Hailing!

It is starting to accumulate...

It is coming down harder...

The accumulation of the roof

Two golf sized hail balls

Along the building

Me holding a hail ball

The aftermath

Hmm... it looks like it snowed in June!

Big hail balls

The flowers were quite confused.

Scary Weather

Last night, the cloud of doom loomed over my house. I first feared that it was a funnel cloud. Thank goodness it wasn't. However, it was the lowest, darkest cloud I have ever seen! Surprisingly, little to no rain came from the cloud.

At first glance, I thought this was a huge tornado (front door).

Look at that cloud (side of house).

This is looking at it out the back door.

Look how dark this thing was!


It finally moved on...

Monday, June 09, 2008


While I was mowing the yard this weekend, I discovered that a Killdeer had built its nest in the back yard. She laid five eggs, and when she was gone, I got a picture of them!

The Killdeer

Protecting her nest

Look at the eggs

A closeup of the eggs

My Birthday!

My labmate and good friend Aimee made my birthday very special. She decorated the lab and made me dirt cake (the flower below)! It was a very nice day and a fun time. THANKS!!!

That weekend, Aimee came over for some food and fun. We played the Wii until the wee hours of the morning... hehe. It was a nice time!

My Cake (and some decorations)

The lab

Our Door

Aimee Playing Guitar Hero

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Memorial Day

I had a very nice Memorial Day. We first attended the picnic at my house then up at the barn. There was tons of good food and company!

Ryan and me

Reece and Elaina

Ryan and Me

Reese drinking from a water balloon


She thinks she is a ballerina

She is sooo cute

She is sooo mad.. hehe

Camryn and Me

"Oh no you didn't"

"Oh my... I can't handle it!"

"I am ecstatic about the singing fish!"

Here she is happy again...

Sarah's Bachelorette Party

Sarah had her bachelorette party at her house. It was sooo nice to see everyone. It has been way too long. I am so excited to see everyone again at the wedding!!!

Sarah and Me

Sarah and Amy

Me and Cassie

Me and Amy

Memorial Day Weekend: Picnic At Chris And Shannons

We had an unexpected picnic at Chris and Shannons. It was a fun time with good food. We played a mean game of whiffleball!

Camryn Kissing Ryan

Camryn and Me

Ryan and Hannah

Me and Hannah


Me and Ryan

Camryn playing in the sand box

Chris let the ball go right through his legs... hehe