Thursday, September 09, 2004

Fantasy Football

Now that I have a fantasy football team, I don't think I will be able to watch football the same way again. I am watching the Colts' game, because Manning and Vanderjaqt are on my team. I want Manning to throw or run the ball himself every play! I also have Wayne, who I don't have in my starting lineup, so I hope that Manning doesn't throw the ball to him.... because I didn't start him!!!! But I don't want him to throw it to the other receivers, because other people have them. This is getting out of hand. I guess I got my wish though, because he just threw an interception. However, I didn't want that either, because it is negative points for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2004

Long Week

This has been an extremely intense week. I took five placement exams that encompassed biochemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. Overall they went rather well. My brain is fried though now, and I am having trouble concentrating on some reading on liposomes that I am trying to do. Today is good though, because my parents are coming to see me and my lab buddies are on their way back! Tomorrow my parents and I are going to the falls. Hopefully it will be a relaxing day. Classes start Monday!!! ahhh!!

Monday, August 23, 2004

I love Florida

First of all, I want to apologize to all of my blog fans out there for me being so horrible at updating this thing... I am sorry. Second, I want to say hi to my group members who are in Phili. if they can read this. I miss you all it isn't the same here without you.

My trip to Bradenton, Fl:
My flight to Tampa was a bit bumpy, but I arrived safe and on time. It was raining pretty bad that day, but we had planned to go shopping anyways, so after lunch we hit the outlets up. It didn't rain, and was beautiful the rest of my time there. The next three days we spent on Longboat Key on the Gulf of Mexico. These three days were very eventful. Not only were they beautiful on the white sand and in the blue water, we saw A LOT of marine life, and decided a trip to an aquarium would never stack up to it. Every day we saw dolphins not more than 20 yds. away. We found a conch shell that was over a foot long with the conch still well and alive in it. When I get pictures developed I will post one. A manatee (the animal after which the county my sister lives in is named) swam by about 4 feet from us. These animals are rarely seen in the gulf, but mainly inhabit the inlets and bays. Then, when we thought maybe another manatee was coming, we started to get closer to it, but quickly turned to run. Two sting rays, that were both bigger than my arm span were swimming together within 8 feet of us. This instance was a bit scary. On top of those experiences, we found a little conch, some cool looking crabs, baby sand sharks, a good pile of sand dollars, and tons of shells. Those three days were the best days I have ever spent at a beach.

The next day was the last one that the rest of my family was there. We went to the mall then swam in my sister’s pool for the rest of the day. It was nice to have two days with just my sister and her husband. We went for breakfast, swam, shopped, and ate a lot. I had to buy another suitcase to bring back everything! It was very sad when I had to go. Not only was I going to miss my sister, but I was leaving 90 degree weather and returning to 60 degree weather in Buffalo. I had an awesome time though, and I am very thankful for the experience.

Conche Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Shopping Spree

Last night five exciting games of basketball were played!  I had a good time, but I am rather sore today.  This morning was rough, because we finished cleaning out the chemical fridge.  However, this afternoon was well worth it.  After a wonderful lunch at Chili's, my buddies and I went on a little shopping spree to the Salvation Army, two dollar stores, and then Wal-Mart.  We got some great deals, and some fine objects were purchased.   The day is going to get even better, because it is soccer night! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Today is one of those absolutely gorgeous days outside where I would rather be in the sun than at work.  I think everyone here will agree with me.  I don't think it would be as bad if I was actually doing Chemistry, but it is inventory time, so I am busy working on that.  Tonight is intramural softball night.  We have a descent team, and should make a good run in the playoffs that start next week.  Soccer was fun last night.  I scored a couple of goals, but nothing too incredible.   Well, I must get back to the inventory.  I am on the letter "n."  Over half way done!!!

"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you [even inventory!!!!]." Mat. 17:20

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Finally Suckered in!

Well, they have finally done it.  My too guooooood buddies Joe and Adam have convinced me to make a blog.  I am here working in the lab on a beautiful day.  It is group meeting day though, so the day will go rather fast.  Also, every Tuesday, a group of us from the lab go and play soccer.  I cannot wait for that!  Much fun will be had!!!!!!  Well, I just wanted to get my blog out there.  That is all for now. Until next time.....