Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Shopping Spree

Last night five exciting games of basketball were played!  I had a good time, but I am rather sore today.  This morning was rough, because we finished cleaning out the chemical fridge.  However, this afternoon was well worth it.  After a wonderful lunch at Chili's, my buddies and I went on a little shopping spree to the Salvation Army, two dollar stores, and then Wal-Mart.  We got some great deals, and some fine objects were purchased.   The day is going to get even better, because it is soccer night! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Today is one of those absolutely gorgeous days outside where I would rather be in the sun than at work.  I think everyone here will agree with me.  I don't think it would be as bad if I was actually doing Chemistry, but it is inventory time, so I am busy working on that.  Tonight is intramural softball night.  We have a descent team, and should make a good run in the playoffs that start next week.  Soccer was fun last night.  I scored a couple of goals, but nothing too incredible.   Well, I must get back to the inventory.  I am on the letter "n."  Over half way done!!!

"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you [even inventory!!!!]." Mat. 17:20

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Finally Suckered in!

Well, they have finally done it.  My too guooooood buddies Joe and Adam have convinced me to make a blog.  I am here working in the lab on a beautiful day.  It is group meeting day though, so the day will go rather fast.  Also, every Tuesday, a group of us from the lab go and play soccer.  I cannot wait for that!  Much fun will be had!!!!!!  Well, I just wanted to get my blog out there.  That is all for now. Until next time.....