Sunday, February 26, 2006

Down on the Farm (Weekend at Julie's)

This past weekend I ventured to central Ny to visit the Hatfield's. Julie and Lizzi were coming to Jules' for the weekend and they brought Ryan and Brandon with them! Needless to say, we had a spectacular time! Friday night, we just chilled. We ate some great food and watched the movie Waiting. Saturday, we got up and around then went into Auburn. We stopped off at Wegmans, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, EB Games, R.J. Jewelers to see Amanda, then to the mall. Ryan was in heaven when we got there, because he got to spend an hour in the large fly fishing/tying section of Bass Pro. He's so cute... like a kid in a candy store around that stuff. We then walked through the mall a while then headed back to Julie's. On the way home, we picked up our pizza and wings from Nino's (mmmm, so good). After we ate it, we got ready and headed out to the barn to milk some cows. That is always interesting. After that, we got ready and went to Amanda's house to help celebrate her birthday then to the Fargo to play some pool. Julie and I beat Ryan and Brandon best out of 3, but they beat us best out of 5... oh well! We got back to Julie's pretty late and decided to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith and fell asleep. Julie and Lizzi made us pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning (mmmm) then we got ready and headed our separate ways. I miss them all so much now, but it was a wonderful weekend, and I am so blessed to have such great friends and my love, Ryan.

Us girls!

Julie and her dad

Ryan and his new best friend

I must admit, I was getting a bit jealous... hehe

Brandon trying to stimulate hair growth

Julie and Lizzi making a pumpkin roll

Out in the barn

Ryan and me in the barn

The calf

Cow in headlights

Julie and Lizzi herding the calf

Lizzi doing some milking

Dairy queen Julie Hatfield

The boys

Brandon wanted to drink straight from the tit

Julie and me with matching hats

Julie and Lizzi with matching hats

The crew

Ryan and Me

Julie and Me

Julie and Laura

Julie shooting pool

Me shooting pool

Lizzi, Laura, Julie, and Me

Ryan checking out his goods from Bass Pro

Lizzi and Julie eating breakfast

What a cutie

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pittsburgh Steelers Superbowl XL Champions!!!

Last weekend I went home to watch the Superbowl, among other things. I got home later Friday night, and Ryan, Brandon, and I went into their church to play around. Then Saturday, I went to Brooke's basketball game (where she hurt her poor little knee... it is getting better though), then I went up to watch the Jr. High wrestling match and my man coach. They came away with two victories that day! After the matches, Ryan and I went out to eat. When we got back to the house, practically their whole team was there playing Halo 2. There were four TV's and four Xbox's... ridiculous! Sunday, Ryan went to church with me, and we ate dinner at my house. Then we went to Kenny Mortz's and ate seafood for like 2 hours. We had lobster, shrimp, 2 types of crab legs, clams, and also prime rib, turkey, and lots of other food. It was amazing! Then we watched the first half of the game. After that we went to Brian and Paula's for the second half. We also had some amazing food there!

I am so glad that the Steelers got the one for the thumb, and I am so happy for all of the players. It was a great season guys... Thanks! Now Sundays will be boring with nothing to watch on TV... until the fall that is.

Ryan and Me

Troy with his Steelers' Hat

The boys playing ping pong

Brooke's basketball game

The boy's coaching

They team playing Halo2

This is ridiculous

They were at it for at least 6 hours

Ryan with my dad's freshly painted hard hat on...hehe

Ryan eating crabs

Chris holding Camryn

Chris, Camy, and Shannon


Chris, Kenny, and Gabe


Hayden with his shirt on backwards, because he wanted to see the Roethlisberger name... how cute

Cheers from the crowd

Shannon and Hayden

It was a rowdy crowd

Hannah with my sweatshirt and hat on
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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Pre-Superbowl XL

Happy Groundhog Day! Apparently Phil says that there is going to be 6 more weeks of winter. But, if the weather we have been experiencing the past 6 weeks is winter, I will not mind six more weeks of it!

Now onto talk about the Superbowl... I would like to think that my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, will come out on top this weekend. I do have confidence that they will be the victors; however, I do not like to count the other opponent out. Any given Sunday... anything can happen. However, if my Steel boys keep playing like they have been, the Seahawks have their work cut out for them. Unless you are a die hard Seattle fan, please root for the Steelers!

Upcoming Superbowl Matchup *Author Unknown...taken from a forwarded email Posted by Picasa