Thursday, February 02, 2006

Pre-Superbowl XL

Happy Groundhog Day! Apparently Phil says that there is going to be 6 more weeks of winter. But, if the weather we have been experiencing the past 6 weeks is winter, I will not mind six more weeks of it!

Now onto talk about the Superbowl... I would like to think that my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, will come out on top this weekend. I do have confidence that they will be the victors; however, I do not like to count the other opponent out. Any given Sunday... anything can happen. However, if my Steel boys keep playing like they have been, the Seahawks have their work cut out for them. Unless you are a die hard Seattle fan, please root for the Steelers!

Upcoming Superbowl Matchup *Author Unknown...taken from a forwarded email Posted by Picasa

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