Tuesday, May 16, 2006

God's Country, Potter County, Pa

This past weekend, I traveled to Potter County, Pa (Near Ole Bull State Park and Kettle Creek), to meet up with Ryan and the guys to visit and do some fishing. All I can say is that no wonder they call Potter County God's Country, because it is absolutely beautiful. I had such a wonderful and relaxing time. I ate some amazing food, compliments of Clark, did a lot of fishing, and got some quality time with my love. I did pretty good fishing. I am still learning the art of fly fishing, and I basically did things on my own this time and was rather successful. I can't express how wonderful everything was. It was so nice to be in the middle of no where, where there things are so uninhabited and natural. I definitely would go back to Ole Bull.

God's Country


The Lodge

Area around the lodge

On the deck of the lodge

The Woods near the lodge

Clark Cooking

Supper Time!

Ryan and I relaxing by the fireplace

The fireplace

Chris and Clark

Allen Fishing

Me trying to get my fish out of the net!

One of my catches


and another

Ryan and Harry fishing

Tyler and Ryan fishing

Ryan fishing

Ryan's Catch


and another

Absolutely Amazing

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Amy's Wedding Weekend

Last week was extremely busy. Monday, I had to tape an instructional video for the organic chem lab manual, and Tuesday, I successfully defended my proposal in front of my committee. Thank goodness after that I got a little vacation. I went home a little earlier than I had to be in Harrisburg to spend some time with the fam. I got to see Brooke (along with Kelsi and Lydia) play a softball game. I got to watch Ryan coach his seventh grade baseball team and since a few of my cousins play on that team, I got to watch them play and see some of my family. Ryan, Brandon, and I went down to Juniata to watch Julie and the girls play some softball... oh how I miss it. And then, Julie came out to hang out with us.

Friday, we left for Harrisburg to do some shopping before the wedding rehearsal. We stopped off at Bass Pro and Cabela's. Ryan was in heaven! It was really neat though, and we had a great time. Then, we went to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner then to the hotel. We got up Saturday morning and was entertained by Fred (Ryan's, Amy's new husband, dad) and his mandolin. Then came the wedding and reception. It was so beautiful! Things couldn't have gone any better. It was so nice to finally meet all of Amy's family. They are so wonderful. Ryan and I then drove home late Saturday night. Sunday, we went to church at Ryan's church and then had dinner at my house. After throwing the ball around with Brooke and Jumping on the trampoline, we went out to Ryan's. I napped while he tied flies, and then we went fishing. I caught a pretty nice brownie! It was such a wonderful weekend. I miss home and everyone now though.

For more pictures of Amy's wedding, view the blog that I made for her (http://ryanandamysavitz.blogspot.com/).

Ryan and me at Amy's reception

Ryan Coaching

Julie playing softball

Ryan at Cabela's

Me at Cabela's

Ahhhh, I'm being attacked!




The mountain

Crocodile's attack

Bear's Attack


Moose and Trout



Deer Fighting

Ryan and me at the wedding rehersal

Amy's husband's dad playing the madolin on my tailgate

Me and Amy before the wedding

Amy's dad walking her down the aisle

Amy and Ryan walking down the aisle

Me and Amy at the reception hall

Ryan and Me

Ryan and Me

Ryan's first catch of the day

Ryan's second catch of the day

My catch of the day... a nice brownie

Camryn in her play thing

Chris and Camryn... boy doesn't she look like her daddy in this picture

Ryan and Camryn

Camryn after she rolled over

Camy playing with her toes

What a happy baby

All smiles

What a ham

So happy...

Ryan and Camryn