Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy 78th Birthday Gram

My gram (my mom's mom) turned 78 on August 21, 2006. We had a little get together... it was nice. This was also my friend Joe Ferguson's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Happy 78th Birthday Gram!

Alison and Brooker

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Ankle

On Saturday, August 5th, 2006, I broke my ankle playing in a football tourament. I was going for an interception and got tangled up with a kid. My leg got all twisted behind me, and I heard all kinds of cracking and popping. I knew right away that my leg was broke. An awesome friend of mine, Dorene, took me to the hospital and spent the afternoon with me there. On Monday, I went to my Orthopedic, and he gave me the bad news that I had to have surgery to repair the damage. So, on Tuesday, August 8th, I had open reduction-internal fixation surgery, where a plate and 5 screws were put into my ankle. Now I cannot bare any weight on it for 4-6 weeks, which really stinks. It looks like I will miss all of the football season this fall.

Football Tournament: $25
Receiving Touchdowns: 6
Passing Touchdowns: 2
Interceptions: 1
Broken Ankle.... Priceless

Pre-Surgery X-Ray... broken Fibula and shifted ankle :-(

Pre-Surgery swelling and discoloration

Post-Surgery X-Ray with plate and screws intact after open reduction internal fixation

Post-Surgery discoloration of the toes

Post-op leg

Difference between my legs :-(

Baseball Picnic Celebration

Here are some pics from the boys' baseball picnic. It was a nice time with great food. I also got to hang out with Jess, so that was nice. The only bad part was, I could not play football this year... grrrr. I am really frustrated with not being able to do anything right now.

4-time champs

Me and Jess

Jess, Cami, and Cliff

Cami and Cliff

Brandon getting his MVP award

Cami and Me

Linda and Camryn

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Altoona City League Champions for the 4th year in a Row

Ryan and Brandon's baseball team, Lilly Chiropractic/American Legion won the Altoona City League for the 4th year in a row. I got to catch some of the playoff action due to the fact that I cannot do much else but sit around. It was nice watching them play though.

Lilly Chiropractic/Legion 4-peat Champions of the Altoona City League

Team huddle

Lilly on the Field

Brandon and Ryan on the Field

Brandon making a play

Brandon fielding a grounder

Ryan catching a fly ball

Ryan on deck

Ryan and Brandon

Camryn wondering what is up


Jess and her family

Linda and Cami

Me feeding Camryn a freezy pop

Camryn, Chris, and Shannon

Ryan and Brandon

Me and Ryan

The Team

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Weekend at Julies' :-)

This past weekend I went to visit Julie. We had a great weekend. Friday night Julie, Lizzi, and I went shopping at Bass Pro, went out to eat, then went out for a little. Saturday we helped out on the farm, rode the four wheeler, unloaded straw, and just chilled. Sunday, we went shopping, got some ice cream, made some corn, moved some wagons, then ate homemade popcorn and watched a movie. It was a wonderful time, and I hope to get back to see her soon!

Julie and Me

Me on the tractor

Julie and Rusty

Lizzi and Julie

Me and Shy

Julie and Lizzi

Julie spraying the bees

Julie and her dad moving a calf

Julie, Me, and Lizzi on the four wheeler

Me and Shy

Me and Shy


Me trying to get a picture of shy and me, but she was licking me

Me and the huge tire

The Hatfield Farm

Julie's dad going to bail some straw

Julie on the tractor

A wagon in the field

The farm

Julie's dad bailing straw

Julie driving the tractor

Farm road