Friday, June 01, 2007

Memorial Day/My Birthday Weekend

I went home this past weekend for Memorial Day and my birthday. It was a great weekend. Friday night when I got home, Ryan and I went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Then we went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. Saturday, we took Ryan's friend Chris from Ohio fishing for most of the day, then we hung out with my parents. Sunday, we went to church and then to Ryan's softball game. I then got to hang out with Erin for the rest of the evening (much needed and long over due time to spend with her). Monday, we we had the picnic at my house and Cyndi, Jess, and Cliff also came to join the family. It was so nice to be able to see everyone. Thanks for a great weekend!

Me and Jalynn

Me and Ryan

Bonnie and Reece

Ryan and Jess playing the bean bag game
Me playing the bean bag game
Cyndi looking fashionable

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