Sunday, December 02, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Well, Thanksgiving was here and is gone already! It was a wonderful and very special time! I got to spend some precious time at home with my family, friends, and love. We had some great food and a great time (until I got sick at the end). Wednesday night, we had the Thanksgiving meal at my house. Then Thursday we ate with Ryan's family at Sis's. Friday we did some shopping and had game night. Saturday, we spent some time at my sisters. Sunday, the boys had a football game, and Ryan and I decorated his classroom for Christmas. Monday we went hunting. Ryan got his buck at 7:08 in the morning, which was nice since it was cold and raining. We drug it out of teh woods and then cleaned it. It was a fun time!


Thanksgiving at my house

We are so thankful...

Mom and Dad

The Ickes kids

Brian and Paula

Allen and Todd

Me and Ryan


Hayden the Pilgrim

Shannon, Cami, and Darby


The Girls

Me and Ryan


Action Shot

My Man

The Boys


Allen and Clark

Ryan with his buck

Ryan the Hunter

Looking good!!!

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