Monday, August 15, 2005

America's Fair (Erie County, Ny Fair)

Saturday night, I went to the Erie County Fair. It was a wonderful time with great food and friends. The pictures pretty much tell the story....

America's Fair (The Erie County Fair)

The sign says it all

The making of my deep fried twinkie. They take a twinkie full of fat, dip it in even more fattening batter, then fry it in grease... mmmmm

Me before I consumed the twinkie

Me on the farris wheel

Me on some ride I rode to use up the tickets we had left

An up close shot on the ride

Me before I was upside down and almost lost my dinner that consisted of the twinkie, fresh cut fries, and kettle corn... mmmm

Me with the elephant before it came over to get a better smell

The camel that I called a llama for like 5 minutes

The Llama!! Posted by Picasa

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