Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Baseball Fanatics..

I went home this past weekend to see my family, friends, and loved ones. The boys had playoff games for baseball, so I got to go to three games this weekend! Friday night on my way home from B-Lo, I stopped at the game. I had talked to Ryan on the phone on the way home and he told me how he got hit on the head at work, but he left out the part about getting stitches. So, I was unpleasantly surprised. On Saturday, Jenna, Christi, and I went to see the Dukes of Hazard. We really enjoyed the movie!!! After that we ate at Applebee's then went to the baseball game. After the game, Ryan, Brandon, Jenna, and I went to Denny's. Sunday was my Dad's company picnic at Delgroso's. So after church the fam headed down there. We had a good time, and I got to see Jimmy Wayne (http://www.umgnashville.com/artist.aspx?aid=43&src=redirdwn) in concert. He put on an awesome show! Then we went to watch the baseball game. Jess was there finally, and I finally got to see her after what seemed like forever. Also, a lot of Ryan's family was there, so it was good to see all of them. Another great weekend back in Pa.....

Ryan and me after his ball game

Ryan's stitches

The boys in the field (Brandon at short and Ryan in center)

Allen and Me

Brandon on deck

Ryan on deck

Carolyn, Linda, and Barbara

Jenna, Christi, and Me

Alison and Brooke

The beautiful sky

The beautiful sky again

Ryan on deck

Jess and Me

Cliff (Jess's boyfriend) giving us a wave

Kelsey and Hannah

Linda, Dick, and Sis Posted by Picasa

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