Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pittsburgh's Going to the Superbowl!!!

I went home this past weekend to visit my family, friends, and Ryan. I went home Thursday night, because I had to get a new windshield in the Aztek since mine cracked. I surprised Ryan at his match Thursday night... hehe, I am good! Mom and I went over to Northern Bedford to watch the match, then I went and hung out at Ryan's. Friday, I got my windshield fixed, walked with my mom, and prepared for game night. Game nights are becoming a ritual at my house. Julie and Lizzie were able to come from Juniata to join in the festivities!!! We were up talking until after 3 that night.. whew. Then Saturday, I attended Brooke's basketball game, I took Cyndi out to eat for her birthday, and then Ryan took me out. Sunday, we went to church, then to my house for dinner, and then to Paula and Brian's to watch the AFC championship game where my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, earned their ticket to the SUPERBOWL!!!! Here are pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Demonstrative Coaching

Ryan arguing with the ref

Game Night

The girls at game night

Ryan with the girls at game night

Me playing Guestures

Julie and Brandon

Cyndi and Me

Julie playing Guestures


Julie and Lizzie

Mom... not quite sure what she is doing..

Ryan taking a nap... haha, no playing guestures


Cyndi, Ryan, and Me

Alison enjoying her hot dog

Brandon... hehe



Brooke's Game

Dad talking to Brooke and another player

Brooke inbounding the ball

The team after their victory

Watching the game...

Steelers' Fans

Ryan and Hayden

Chris and Shannon

Brandon and Hayden

Me and Hayden

Ryan and Me

The Game

We are the AFC Champions my friend... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve, we went up to Ryan’s Uncle John’s (well now Rubert’s) place to celebrate with the family. We ate lots of food again, did lots of talking, played Guestures, and watched Napoleon Dynamite. We stopped watching to movie just in time to see the ball drop and for Ryan to kiss me at midnight. I hope 2006 is as good to me as 2005 was.

We got up and went to church Sunday morning, and then Ryan came to my house to eat. After lunch, we went to see Matt and Kim. Then on Monday, my last day at home, Ryan, Brandon, Adam, Linda, and I went to see Chronicles of Narnia. It was an excellent movie. I think I will go see it if they release it in the IMAX theater. It was a great two weeks at home, and it was so hard to leave…

Ryan making Camryn coo..

Awww... Camryn loves her Uncle Ryan

New Year's Party

Thug Hayden

Ryan And Hayden

Linda, Shannon, and Camryn

Hayden tackling Hannah

Such a cutie

Hannah clinging to Ryan's leg

Chris, Ryan, and Brian

Me and Camy

The girls

Brandon and Hayden

Paula playing guestures

Brandon playing guestures

Ryan and Me trying to stay awake to watch the ball drop
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Christmas 2005

I was able to go home for about two weeks for Christmas and New Year's. It was sooo nice to be at home and spend time with family, friends, and loved ones. My sister Ginette who lives in Florida was able to come up for a week with her husband, Ken, and dog, Spike. It was such a wonderful time, and I am so blessed. We all are blessed, because of the greatest gift ever given… Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins. I hope that you kept Christ in CHRISTmas.

My Favorite Christmas Gift

Ryan's Favorite Christmas Gift ;-)

I got home Wednesday night, and hung out with Ryan. We got up early and went shopping in Johnstown all day Thursday. I made it home just in time to be there when Brooke, who did not know Ginette was coming, was surprised by Spike. At first, she thought she got a puppy that looked like Spike, and then she realized Ginette and Ken were home. Friday night, we went out to Chris and Shannon’s for poker. I don’t play, but I got to hold Camryn all night (while continuously moving, because the child does not like to stay still).

Santa Spike

A surprised Brooke

Ginette and Spike

Poker Night

Me and Camryn and Poker Night


Christmas Eve, we had dinner at my house and exchanged gifts. It was so nice to have us three sisters together again at Christmas. After we were done opening gifts, Ryan and I went out to his house for their Christmas Eve celebration. It was a wonderful evening with the fam. After everyone left, Ryan and I exchanged gifts. He got me a beautiful diamond cross pendant (among other things). He was a good shopper!

Christmas Tree light up

Us Girls

Ryan and Me

Christmas Eve Dinner At My House


Spike Opening Gifts

Dad Opening Gifts

Christmas Eve out at Ryans

Hannah, Hayden, and Me

Hannah and Hayden opening gifts

Ryan and Hayden

Of course... the boys playing Halo


Christmas Morning we always go watch Brooke open her gifts first. After that, we went back to the house and opened our gifts!!! Then off to church we went. After church, I went to Ryan’s family Christmas dinner. Mmmm.. such good food and company. After that, Ryan and I went to my house and had supper, and then went to Church for the singspiration. Following church, we went to Alison’s house to hang out a bit with the family, and we watched Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Morning at Alisons

Mom and Dad opening gifts

The Present Terror Spike

Brooke with her Roethlisberger Jersey

Brooke with her Ward Jersey

Mom, Dad, Spike, and Ken

Ken's Truck

Christmas Morning at my house

The pretty decorations

My dad and me

Rubert and me

Rubert and Ryan

Christmas Dinner

Camryn and Shannon

Ryan and Me

Allen getting fresh with Linda

Allen kissing Linda

Kelsi holding Camryn

The boys napping

Linda and Shannon

Linda and Camryn

Ryan and Camryn

Mom Singing

Brooke Singing

Alison Singing

Sherrie, Mom, and Me singing

Brooke with her ski stuff on

Alison and Brooke in their ski helmets

Post Christmas Activities

The day after Christmas, we went shopping ALL day. It was fun, but tiring. I got more stuff that I didn’t really need. We ate brunch at King’s, where Brooke got an awesome “Frownie” mask! The next day, Ryan and I went fishing for a little while, then I went with Linda to watch him coach wrestling. I also got to watch two of my cousins, Matt and Corey Aungst, wrestle. On Wednesday, two of the boys’ friends from UPJ came to visit (Brian and Scotty). We went to Laurie and Todd’s that night to finish up the Christmas leftovers. It was another great night of good food and great company. We then went to the movies to see “The Ringer.” It was a funny movie with a good message, and Johnny Knoxville is hilarious.

Brooke is excited about shopping

Alison and I shopping

Brooke disguised as a "Frownie" and Ginette

Ryan Fishing

So Pretty

Ryan And Brandon Coaching

Ryan getting into it

Corey wrestling

Matt wrestling

The boys

Ryan and Me

Allen and Camryn

Me and Camryn

Me and Hayden

Eating the leftovers

The boys at the movies

Game Night
Thursday night, we had game night at my house, which was not surprisingly filled with laughter. First we played Balderdash, then things got really interesting when we broke out “Guestures.” The teams were the males against the females. Of course the females came out on top, but the boys put up a valiant effort. I couldn’t believe how much they got into it. And, I was pleasantly surprised by their acting ability, especially of my man’s! Things got a little out of hand a few times when shirts came off and my dad got frisked… hehe, but it was awesome! We then ended the night with some catch phrase. After everyone else left, Cyndi, Christi, Jenna, and I did our ornament exchange. I got such cute ones… thanks girls!


Alison... not quite sure what that is..

Alison.... Opera singer???

Brandon... Choking??


Brooke... frightened??


Christi and Cyndi


Christi, Cyndi, and Jenna

Cliff and Jess

Cyndi... surprised???

Dad and Brooke




Mom... 9??


Ryan... haha

They got so involved... shirts came off

Something was funny

Me and Ryan concentrating

Ryan, Scotty, and Adam

Scotty... playing a trumpet??

The boys

Earlier Thrusday, my parents, my sisters, Brooke, and me all went to lunch, since it was Ginette’s last day home. It was nice just being the five of us again (plus Brooke). I miss them all!

Ginette and Brooke

Mom and Dad

Ginette, Alison, and Me

Friday, we just hung out, and Ryan decided to do some cleaning… haha. Mmmm, but he looks good doing it! Then, Ryan and I went to Altoona to do a little shopping and to go to “Lights on the Lake” at Lakemont. It was a wonderful evening.

Ryan Cleaning

Lights on the Lake

Santa and the reindeer pumping iron

Me at the lights

Ryan at the lights

So pretty...

Awesome trees

I love Christmas and Christmas decorations
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