We got up and went to church Sunday morning, and then Ryan came to my house to eat. After lunch, we went to see Matt and Kim. Then on Monday, my last day at home, Ryan, Brandon, Adam, Linda, and I went to see Chronicles of Narnia. It was an excellent movie. I think I will go see it if they release it in the IMAX theater. It was a great two weeks at home, and it was so hard to leave…

Ryan making Camryn coo..

Awww... Camryn loves her Uncle Ryan

New Year's Party

Thug Hayden

Ryan And Hayden

Linda, Shannon, and Camryn

Hayden tackling Hannah

Such a cutie

Hannah clinging to Ryan's leg

Chris, Ryan, and Brian

Me and Camy

The girls

Brandon and Hayden

Paula playing guestures

Brandon playing guestures

Ryan and Me trying to stay awake to watch the ball drop

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