Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pittsburgh's Going to the Superbowl!!!

I went home this past weekend to visit my family, friends, and Ryan. I went home Thursday night, because I had to get a new windshield in the Aztek since mine cracked. I surprised Ryan at his match Thursday night... hehe, I am good! Mom and I went over to Northern Bedford to watch the match, then I went and hung out at Ryan's. Friday, I got my windshield fixed, walked with my mom, and prepared for game night. Game nights are becoming a ritual at my house. Julie and Lizzie were able to come from Juniata to join in the festivities!!! We were up talking until after 3 that night.. whew. Then Saturday, I attended Brooke's basketball game, I took Cyndi out to eat for her birthday, and then Ryan took me out. Sunday, we went to church, then to my house for dinner, and then to Paula and Brian's to watch the AFC championship game where my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, earned their ticket to the SUPERBOWL!!!! Here are pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Demonstrative Coaching

Ryan arguing with the ref

Game Night

The girls at game night

Ryan with the girls at game night

Me playing Guestures

Julie and Brandon

Cyndi and Me

Julie playing Guestures


Julie and Lizzie

Mom... not quite sure what she is doing..

Ryan taking a nap... haha, no playing guestures


Cyndi, Ryan, and Me

Alison enjoying her hot dog

Brandon... hehe



Brooke's Game

Dad talking to Brooke and another player

Brooke inbounding the ball

The team after their victory

Watching the game...

Steelers' Fans

Ryan and Hayden

Chris and Shannon

Brandon and Hayden

Me and Hayden

Ryan and Me

The Game

We are the AFC Champions my friend... Posted by Picasa

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