Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Camping and Baseball... two great summer past times

I got to spend a few days with my family while they camped. I had a good time, even though I was pretty sick. I also got some more sun, which I really didn't need. My appetite started coming back (I didn't eat hardly anything for like 3-4 days!), so that was good, because we eat well when we camp. I love Glendale! I have so many fond memories of there growing up. I was just disapointed that no one really plays volleyball in the campground anymore. There use to be some competitive volleyball played there. I really didn't have any energy to play though, so oh well! It was a nice, relaxing time though.

I also got to catch a few baseball and softball games of the boys'... that was also really nice. They did really good in all of their games. Their teams are very lucky to have them! Enjoy the pics!

Beach bums

Dad and Brooke

Kirk and Jordan

Allen and Chris

Linda and Mrs. Dear

Me and Camryn

Allen, Chris, Shannon, and Cami

Shannon and Camryn

Ryan Batting

Ryan and Brandon

Brandon batting

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