Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ickes Beach Trip 2006

Here are some pictures from the beach trip to Wildwood. We spent a lot of time on the beach, and there were a lot of creatures to find. We found numerous conches, horseshoe crabs, hermit crabs, and other crabs. We also ate some great food and of course went to Cool Scoops for ice cream. One day we went to the waterpark and another up to Cape May to go to the zoo and shops up there, and one night we went up to Atlantic City. Ryan became addicted to the wheel up there...haha. We also spent some evenings on the boardwalk. I would like to apologize to the family though for Ryan and me fighting... sorry! It was a rough week in that aspect, along with getting sick... ugh. And, I am still sick! It was nice to spend time with everyone though, and I miss then all so very much now that I am back here in Buffalo.

Ryan, Cami, and Me

Ryan and Cami

Paula and the Kids

Hannah, Hayden, and Me

Playing football on the beach

Hayden throwing the ball

Hannah and the horseshoe crab


Shannon and Cami

The Ocean

Camryn wanting to eat hermit crabs

Cami and Me

Hayden lounging

Brian and the kids

Shannon and Cami napping on the beach

Hayden in the crab hat

Shannon in the crab hat

Ryan and Me

Cami with the crab hat on

Watermelon girlie

Cami, Me, and Ryan

Ryan and Me

Cami playing with my poker chips

Me and Camryn on the hammock

Camryn eating a lemon

Brian getting fresh with Chris

Ryan and Me

Hayden and Hannah

Camryn reaching for the ice cream cone

"I wasn't eating ice cream... I swear!!!"

mmmmm, good

Yeah for ice cream

Camryn and uncle Brandon

Ryan, Hannah, Cami, and Me

Me with the wax lips on

Ryan with the wax lips on

Brian, Hayden, and Paula

Ryan and Camryn

Ryan and Cami

Camryn trying to crawl to Hannah

My Chip 'n Dales

The Kids at the zoo

Shannon and Cami at the zoo


Hannah in a wig

Me and Hannah

Atlantic City

Camryn looking longingly at ice cream

Mmmm, mmm, good

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