Saturday, October 14, 2006

Who says Christmas just comes once a year?

Last weekend, I went home because my sister was up from Florida. It was such a nice weekend. We kinda had Thanksgiving and Christmas with her since she will not be able to get home for those holidays. We had the big meal, exchanged gifts, and everything. It was sooo wonderful!

The Fam


The 5 of us

The present terror

What a little prep

"It wasn't me.. I swear!"

Ken, Spike, and Ginette

He broke out

Eating Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner in October

Another dinner pic

Aww... cleaning up

The flyfishing outfit we got Spike

Ryan and Brooker

Dad opening gifts

What fun!

Brooke, Ryan, and Me

Dad and Mom... boy do they look like they are up to something

Ryan, Me, and Spike


Don, Ken, Ginette, and Gram

Dad and Alison


Brooke, Troy, and Alison

It was also homecoming weekend. I did Jalynn's hair, nails, and makeup for the dance. I went to the parade and the football game. Sunday, I got to watch the boys play some football. Boy, I can't wait to be able to start playing again... soon, I hope!


Mom and Dad at the parade

Sarah and Nate

The kids waiting for candy


Alison and Doodle

The boys playing football


Ryan catching the ball

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