Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th

Beginning Thursday, October 12, 2006, Lake Erie decided to throw-up on Buffalo, Ny. We got 1-2 feet of very wet, heavy snow. By Friday, much of Western New York was without power (around 400,000 people including me). It is amazing how much work you can get done without the TV or computer on! I got my whole house cleaned! It was kinda neat to be without power, but it was kinda cold and dark though once night time came. Thank goodness my power came back this morning. Some people may not regain power until next weekend!

This was a record-breaking snowfall for this time of the year. It was really weird to see trees with leaves (especially green ones) absolutely covered in snow! Most of the snow has melted, so now everything is flooded and limbs/trees are down everywhere. It looks like a tornado went through or a hurricane hit.

Some of these pictures are compliments of Joe (click the link for his take on the snow storm).

From the chemistry building

From my house

Is this October... are you sure?!?


More snow!

Why yes, see the colored leaves on the trees that were victims of the snow?
Aww look how beautiful the fall foliage is... with 2 feet of snow...haha

Oh, and the poor stop sign too

The snow was even too heavy for this plane that is tipped so it looks as if it is ready for takeoff!

Joe's backyard

The van is hiding

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amber, you keep that snow up there! I'm not ready for that yet!!!