Sunday, November 05, 2006

October Update.... NCW, Jibapalooza, and Camryn's Birthday

I participated in National Chemistry Week this year. It was fun to do the experiments with the kids. They seemed to have had a wonderful time. Some of them were not very well behaved though. I now have more sympathy for Ryan and his profession.

Jorn and Me with the Kids during National Chemistry Week

I went home during the last weekend of the month. Saturday while Ryan turkey hunted all day, I went with my sister to the second anual Jibapalooza. A party up at Blue Knob... all decked out for Halloween and snow hauled in for the snowboarders. It actually snowed for real though... about 3 inches..haha.

Me and Ali

Alison's Cake

Driving Down the mountain (see the rainbow)

So Beautiful

More views from the mountian

Decorations at the Yoder Chalet

More decorations at the Chalet

The snowboard ramp

Sunday, we went to church, to Ryan's football game, and then to Camryn's first birthday party. It was sooo nice. I can't believe she is already a year old!!! Time sure flies by. In 2 and 1/2 weeks, it will be Thanksgiving already! I am so excited for that though!

Ryan playing football

Camryn and her cake

Ryan and Cami

Ryan and Me

Clark and Rubert

Cami and Me


Brandon and Tyler

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