Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day 2005

Memorial day was full of fun and picnicing. First, we had our Helsel picnic at my house. After we ate, Cyndi, Brandon, Ryan, and I played the bean bag game. Later, it was time to go to the Ickes' Memorial Day picnic. We ate more food there, then we played some ball. After we were done playing ball, Ryan and I went fishing. Then we hung out till I had to go get some sleep, because of driving back to Buffalo in the morning at 5 a.m. We had a wonderful time.

Ryan and Me... aren't we cute!

Alison and Me

Alison and Troy

Gram D. and Me

The Helsel's Picnic
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My Picnic Food

Nathaniel jumping on the trampoline

Troy was taking shutter pictures of me

Roasting marshmallows on the campfire

Ryan and Cyndi playing the bean bag game

Me and Brandon playing the bean bag game

Cyndi and Me

Rubert and Me

Ryan and Hayden

Tyler and Hannah

Brandon and Hayden

Playing ball at pavia

Kelsey pitching


Brandon and Allen

Ryan driving to fish

Night fishing
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Sunday, May 29, 2005

My Birthday!

May 29 is a great day, because it's my birthday! I had a good one too. Sunday morning, I went to my church for Sunday School, then to Ryan's church for church. I wanted to thank Pastor McClelland from Altoona Bible Church ( for helping me find a church in the Buffalo area. After church, mom made steaks on the grill for my birthday dinner (mmmmmm). They were tasty. Before church Sunday night, we went to Gardner's Candies to get a Sunday! They were huge. Jalynn and Brooke rode the carousel, and we shopped around the store. It was quite a yummy time.

My birthday sunday (the loose caboose)

Me with my birthday sunday

Mom, Brooke, and dad eating their sundays

Jalynn eating her sunday

Jalynn and Brooke on the carousel that Jalynn is way to big for...


The chocolate castle

Gardner's Candies
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Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Dogs

After we went fishing Saturday, we played with the dogs for a while. Chubbs (Ryan's brother Chris' Dog) would not leave me alone. I was just irresistible to him for some reason. While the dog practically molested me, Ryan just laid there and laughed... thanks.. haha.

Ryan and Patch


Chubbs who wouldn't leave me alone!

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!!! hehe
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Fishing With the Pro

Ryan and I went fishing (surprise, surprise). This time we went to the part of Bob's Crick in Weyandt. We had a wonderful time. This was the first time I have ever gone fly fishing. I caught two fish (Ryan didn't get a picture of the first one :-( ). It was a rainy day, which is good for fishing. While we were fishing I saw something down in the water that looked like a ring. I assumed it was just a key ring, but decided to check it out. Lo and behold, it was a men's wedding ring! I told Ryan, "You come for fish, but I come for gold!"

Later, Ryan took me out for my Birthday dinner. We also walked through the mall and went to go get some fishing stuff at Uncle Joe's Woodshed. On they way back home, we stopped at the driving range and each hit a bucket of balls. We had a wonderful time!

Ryan Fishing

The First Catch of the Day

My Second Catch

One of Ryan's Catches

My Cutie Fisherman!

Ryan Changing the Fly

What a Rod!

Ryan got a little bored and picked his nose ;-)

Ryan casting in front of his grandpa's old place

Ryan Casting in front of his grandpa's old place

Ryan's grandpa's old place

Ryan's grandpa's old place

One of the flies that Ryan ties (this one is called a sculpin).

The wedding ring I found!
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Me trying to stay dry
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