Saturday, May 28, 2005

Fishing With the Pro

Ryan and I went fishing (surprise, surprise). This time we went to the part of Bob's Crick in Weyandt. We had a wonderful time. This was the first time I have ever gone fly fishing. I caught two fish (Ryan didn't get a picture of the first one :-( ). It was a rainy day, which is good for fishing. While we were fishing I saw something down in the water that looked like a ring. I assumed it was just a key ring, but decided to check it out. Lo and behold, it was a men's wedding ring! I told Ryan, "You come for fish, but I come for gold!"

Later, Ryan took me out for my Birthday dinner. We also walked through the mall and went to go get some fishing stuff at Uncle Joe's Woodshed. On they way back home, we stopped at the driving range and each hit a bucket of balls. We had a wonderful time!

Ryan Fishing

The First Catch of the Day

My Second Catch

One of Ryan's Catches

My Cutie Fisherman!

Ryan Changing the Fly

What a Rod!

Ryan got a little bored and picked his nose ;-)

Ryan casting in front of his grandpa's old place

Ryan Casting in front of his grandpa's old place

Ryan's grandpa's old place

Ryan's grandpa's old place

One of the flies that Ryan ties (this one is called a sculpin).

The wedding ring I found!
Posted by Hello

Me trying to stay dry
Posted by Hello

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