Sunday, May 29, 2005

My Birthday!

May 29 is a great day, because it's my birthday! I had a good one too. Sunday morning, I went to my church for Sunday School, then to Ryan's church for church. I wanted to thank Pastor McClelland from Altoona Bible Church ( for helping me find a church in the Buffalo area. After church, mom made steaks on the grill for my birthday dinner (mmmmmm). They were tasty. Before church Sunday night, we went to Gardner's Candies to get a Sunday! They were huge. Jalynn and Brooke rode the carousel, and we shopped around the store. It was quite a yummy time.

My birthday sunday (the loose caboose)

Me with my birthday sunday

Mom, Brooke, and dad eating their sundays

Jalynn eating her sunday

Jalynn and Brooke on the carousel that Jalynn is way to big for...


The chocolate castle

Gardner's Candies
Posted by Hello

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