Monday, June 20, 2005

Weekend Full of Ball Games

I went to a lot of ball games this weekend. I complained that I didn't get to see Brooke play yet this year... well I got to see three of her games! Thursday night I went to Brooke's game. My cousin Whitney also plays on her team, and they played against Hannah's team. Friday night Christi and I went to Ryan and Brandon's game. Saturday, I went to Brooke's game then watched Lydia and Kelsey play. Finally Sunday, I got to see my cousins Cody and Zack and Ryan's cousin Tyler play. It was nice to watch the kids, they all did a wonderful job!

Coach Grace and Art

Brooke jumping for the ball

Brooke Playing First

Whitney Batting

Hannah Batting

Rainbow During the Game

Hayden at the Game

Teams shaking hands

We went for icecream after the game to celebrate the victory

Ryan Batting

Brandon Batting

Ryan on third

After their ball game Friday night, Christi, Brandon, Ryan, and I went to Applebee's for dinner. I got spinach-artichoke dip and the blackened chicken salad.... mmmm.

Me and Christi

Brandon Keith and Ryan Allen

Brooke Batting

Brooke Running Home

Molly after her hit

Lydia fielding the ball

Lydia fielding the ball

Kelsey Pitching

Kelsey Pitching

Kelsey Pitching

Tyler Batting

Tyler Pitching

Tyler Pitching

Tyler Pitching

Cody Pitching

Cody Catching

Cody heading back to the mound

Zack catching the throwdown

The Adoring Fans
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