Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

I learned yesterday that I should just take the stairs, even though I am on the 8th floor. As I was getting on the elevator last night to go home, my keys slipped through my hands and fell right down the small opening to the shaft you have to step over. Can you imagine?!? What luck I have! I called campus security, and I could tell that it was all the policeman could do not to laugh. He did give me the number I should call for maintenance, who said they could get them out the next day. Thank goodness I have an extra set of car keys. This morning though, not long after I got to work, some lady did bring my keys to me. They were able to successfully retrieve them! Just let this be a lesson to you all: either take the stairs or secure all of your belongings before entering or exiting an elevator.

My keys that were safely returned to me!!! Posted by Picasa

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