Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Camping... Again

I obviously didn't get enough of camping last weekend, so I went home again this weekend to camp more, since my parents were still camping through Sunday. I surprised my parents. They had no clue that I was coming. But, boy I am glad I went. I had a super time! I got to eat a lot more great food, bike ride, play volleyball and football, swim, and fish more. On Sunday, Ryan and I went to the movies to see "Wedding Crashers." The movie was very hilarious, but I don't recommend it for kids (although some parents felt compelled to bring their young kids to it). That night, much to Ryan's dismay, we watched "The Notebook." That is an awesome movie, and I think I heard Ryan say that when the movie was over (even though it was going to be a stupid chick flick)... haha.

Ryan and me ready to fish

Me frustrated while fishing

Ryan's reaction to the flash when I tried to take a picture.. haha

Jordan all wet after fishing

Ryan and Jordan walking back to the camp site

Me and Jordan

BREAKFAST fit for a king!

My Daddy (the king.. hehe)

Alison being moody

...Now she is happy

The campfire

Quality time around the campfire

Dad and Me

Mom and Dad through the fire

Jalynn with her Napoleon Dynamite shirt on

Kaleb and Amber

Kirk and Jordan

Kirk, Vik, and Jordan

Mountain Pie Time

Pam and Alison

The Lake

The Morning Lake

The Lake Posted by Picasa

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