Monday, June 19, 2006

Good Times

I had another great weekend last weekend. Friday night, I watched the boys play some softball then we hung out. Saturday, Ryan and I went fishing all morning at Yellow Creek. I am so glad he took me there, because it was so beautiful. Then we went to watch Brooke and Kelsi play softball, went swimming, then went to the girls' second game of the day and then hung out. Sunday, we went to my church then played in the creek behind my house all day making the dam bigger. Then we went swimming at Cole's and then went and played putt-putt at the Meadow's. After that, we grabbed some food at TGI Friday's then stopped off at Walmart. The weekends sure do fly so fast! But, the beach is coming up soon! Oh, I can't wait!

Me kissing Ryan

Yellow Creek

Ryan Fishing

Yellow Creek

Ryan's Catch

Another catch

Yet another

My Catch

Me Golfing

Ryan Golfing

Brandon Golfing

Jess Golfing

Krissa Golfing

Cliff Golfing

Jess and Cliff

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