Thursday, June 01, 2006

Memorial Day and My Birthday Weekend

Last weekend was rather special, it being my birthday and memorial day. It was very busy and went soooo unbelievably fast though. I enjoyed time at home, but I didn't take pictures of everything as usual. I do have some for you to enjoy though.

I got home Thursday night and watched the end of the boy's moderate fast pitch game. Friday I relaxed, hung out with Ryan, visited Cami, and caught some of Brooke's game, hung out with Cyndi, then went to see X-Men the last stand with the boys. Saturday morning, we went with some guys from Ohio to show them some good fishing spots, then went to Chris and Shannon's. Ryan worked on the roof while I helped watch Cami. Then I took a long nap and Ryan came down and we went to Tyler's game. Sunday, we went to church and after lunch, we helped set up for the picnic, went to Gardner's candies for ice cream, then we watched Brooke and Kayla all night. I also made my strawberry shortcake...mmmmm! Monday was my birthday! I got some nice gifts, money, and cards... thank you all! It was also picnic time. After we ate, Ryan had to leave to go play softball... boo. I took some pictures of Jordan with his car, watched them build the dam in the creek behind my house, played the bean bag game, and lots of volleyball! It was nice to see everyone and to spend time with family and friends. But, May is over already! Boy, does time fly.

Jordan's Awesome Car

Ryan and Me at Gardner's

Cami and Me

I was behaving I swear!

I know, I'm adorable

Linda and Cami

Brooke up to bat

Brooke leading off third and Coach Paula

Shannon and Camryn at the Game

Cami enjoying the game

Mom and Cami

Brooke and Kayla at the Picnic

Mike and Pam

Me, Mom, and Dad

Me and Cyndi

Me trying to look cool

Cyndi from above

Jalynn, Brooke, and Troy

The dam builders

Me with Jordan's Car

Me Jumping on the trampoline

Jordan's car's engine

Jordan and his car

Jordan and his car

Jordan and his car

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