Friday, July 04, 2008

Erin and Mike's Wedding

Well... Erin got married. I remember our many soaks and talks in her hot tub growing up.... mostly about boys. Now, she is married to one... haha! Time sure goes by quickly. It was a fun weekend though. I am glad that I got to share it with her. The wedding was perfect. We hiked 10 minutes through the woods to the Pavia Outlook. You can see for miles from there. The weather was gorgeous... the rain held off and it was not too hot! It was a special day!

The Newlyweds

Joining hands in marriage

Bridesmaids at the rehersal

My Hair

Ryan carrying flower.. no he was not the flower girl!

The Wedding

The Wedding

During the wedding

The view from the Pavia Outlook

The view from the Pavia Outlook

The view from the Pavia Outlook

The Bridesmaids

Ryan and Me

The beautiful bride!

The happy couple!
Kylee and Me
Erin and Me
Ryan and Me dancing
Erin dancing with the groomsmen to "It's Raining Men"

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