Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kerryann's Visit

Kerryann came to visit me! We had a great time. We got went to Lake Ontario and the Falls and did some shopping. It was so great being able to hang out with her again and catch up!

Kerryann and me at Friday's!

The American Falls from the Skylon

Kerryann at Olcott

A plane (on the right) after it landed on Lake Ontario

People fishing on Lake Ontario

The whirlpools

Kerryann at the whirlpools

Me at the whirlpools

The American Falls

Kerryann on the American side

Entering Canada

Entering Canada

Crossing the border

Kerryann and I at the falls

One of the many black squirrel around

Kerryann in the Skylon

Me in the skylon

View of the horseshoe falls from the Skylon

View of the horseshoe falls from the Skylon

Sitting in the world's largest man's chair

Sippin' a Coke float at the Coca-Cola store

In our poncos after a downpour

The Falls at night

The Falls at night

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