Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fourth of July (and Jules and Me)

When I got back from the beach Saturday, my family came back up to Buffalo with me. We did a lot of shopping and sight seeing. It was nice to spend time with them. I took Brooke to Build-A-Bear. That was a fun experience for her and everyone. Before a left for the beach, Julie and I went to Ryan and Brandon's softball game and also my church's Bible school picnic. It was nice to see her after what seemed to be forever. I hope to see her again soon.

Fireworks on Lake La Salle

Alison and Me

Art's Girls at the Falls

Alison and Brooke at the Falls

Brooke's first time out of the country

Dad and Me on the Trolley

The Fam

Mom and Dad in love.. ewww..hehe

The Fam on the American Falls

Brooke with her Build-a-bear flamingo Zowie

Jules and Me watching the twins play softball

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